Originally Posted by Black Tiger
Why not? They could make a vBulletin and a vBulletion Suite option. With vBulletin als the forum only option. They don't need to sell the addons seperately this way.
But it would make things a bit more difficult for them. But I also got the same impression that Trip got, that there would be 2 versions. Lack of communication about that is the problem again here.
I go on to say that if they have this "forum only" version, that then there must be an option to somehow "upgrade" to the full suite, in which case you're only paying for the addons, which, in turns is pretty much purchasing the addons separately.
Originally Posted by Black Tiger
Nope. You pay for one license and you get vBulletin forum software, end of story.
As long as you pay for renewing your license (which was "renewing support" in the old days) you are entitled to every future version. So not "one" version of vBulletin.
I've always been a satisfied customer of vBulletin, but we have an agreement, and they can't force agreements around so people have to take things they don't want.
VB was always forum software. Blogs, Projects and CMS has nothing to do with a forum.
When I said "get one version of vBulletin", I didn't mean the physical build number. I meant one TYPE of vBulletin. As in you paid for the license and got VBULLETIN. I don't want to pay for the license and have to choose between EITHER vBulletin or the vBulletin Suite; it was never how Jelsoft operated.
As for the rest, as I just demonstrated (haha) - lack of communication is a problem, and it especially sucks on the internet.
However, I don't want to say it; but I'm sure many agree... This is just some cheap tactic for Jelsoft to throw the prices up and say "but you're getting more" as a morale compensation for themselves that they've effectively ripped a majority of their customers (who don't use Blogs/Project or whatever) off.