Originally Posted by wolfstream
If you buy something , the seller is legally bound to stand by the sales description, or contract, no? Of course they are.
All you have to do is upgrade (or extend) your license to see the description which states that you will continue to have access to the members area where you can download future versions of vBulletin, while this is current.
And once again you are exaggerating. Again, this is simply not the same as your first implied claim and example that they gave such access for "10 years". Conditions can change, get over it. What you have not shown at all is actual evidence of vB screwing its customers.
So, somewhere, IB is planning on royally screwing their customers.
Meh, pure speculation on your part. When you have some real evidence, present it. Otherwise, you're simply demanding I should be dissatisfied just because you are, and my heart bleeds for that.
For $200, I can get software to run my entire computer, two of them even. Low price?? That's hardly the case
Wow, you can get a PC OS. Hey, you can get Linux for free. Whoopidoo. We're talking commercial board-forum software; you're trying to compare apples with oranges.
Not speculation at all. If you want to keep your head buried in the sand, that's ok,
Quite frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn. Get over it. I'm a satisfied customer of vB, and I do tend to regard all commerce with skepticism, so I also judge vB with skepticism. But not with meaningless dramatics. You're simply trying to demand others be dissatisfied as well, without giving any good reasons as to why we should be dissatisfied, just a lot of emo and speculation.