Shelley, I'll be dammed if you don't stand as an MP so i can Vote for you
We may laugh and joke about the whole system in the UK here, But in all seriousness the Brits are getting mega pee'd off with working like donkneys and all our taxes squandard by those that have not contributed anything.
In the UK we have a new Citizenship test, for imigrants wanting to settle down in the UK and gain British Citizenship and a Free British Passport, Mugs like me, who work and pay taxes have to pay ?77, and have a day off work (?120 loss) to go for a bleeding interview to prove i am who i am, and i was born here lol
Its cool with me, people want Free citizenship, Yeah fine, but they need to Sign up to the Army as they are understaffed and Fight for their new Country, in afganistan and Iraq. I wonder how many people will be on the first flight out, Solving all our Imigration problems in one hit!!!
EU, No thanks, We survived as an independent nation for hundreds of years why break the habit of a lifetime.
If Shelley Doesn't sign up as an MP, then perhaps i might do !!!