Originally Posted by Tim Skellett
With added facts, too! Reality is such a wonderful thing, I feel we all should embrace it. 
Reality is pointed out in this thread. I can only speak for the circumstances in Britain but reality and facts are pointed and conveyed across. You ask any briton, and most will say the EU was a mistake to enter into. some won't even know what your going on about but they feel how Britain joining the EU has impacted their lives and suffering for it.
If countries that are accepted into the EU is helping there country then this has backfired. The less developed European countries are the same. All that is happened is mass migration to the more developed European countries (Britain, France, Germany).
Foreign workers accepted in hospitals who cannot speak english, NHS abused and more overcrowded. Why should any immigrant enjoy the luxuries of what our country has to offer (and abusing them) when our own cannot enjoy this. They enter the country with open arms by the government and get everything handed on a silver platter and their arse wiped at the same time.
All I can say is, and can only speak of the UK. The people built and worked hard for what they have and now they are loseing it on a daily basis and these immigrants come flooding in and getting handouts on a whim because law says they have something to offer when infact they spent the last 50 years fighting, raping killing people because their countries were in poverty and war ridden for the best part of the last century.
You cannot help people who cannot help themselves.