Originally Posted by wolfstream
So, you're saying that you have no problem paying for something you're never going to use then?
No, actually. What I said was that I am quite happy with the overall bundling, even though there are features that I won't use.
You can see it as me being happy paying for things I won't use, if you like, but that's inaccurate. What I am not happy with is the long extended flame-war about vB; it's a very decent product with a great community and great modification possibilities, for quite a low price compared to other comparable software.
Historically, yes, vBulletin has been reasonable and kept very comparable. That was all before IB, however
Can you point to some massive price rise in vB which should make me disatisfied and feel like I'm getting a raw deal? So far, it's all only pure speculation, isn't it?
Bad example, really. If you buy Win 98, and the sale states "all future versions of Windows will be free for 10 years", you get just that, Win 98 AND all future versions of Win. free for 10 years
Except of course Windows has never stated ""all future versions of Windows will be free for 10 years", and vBulletin has never stated ""all future versions of vB will be free for 10 years".
So your objection doesn't make much sense to me.
I have VBA CMPS in the system already, so, I'm effectively screwed. vBulletin CMS is way too late, and , honestly, there's no way in hell you're going to get me to redo 50-100 pages of CMS data JUST to get to a blog. That's a bit horrific.
I understand your frustration, but I think you're overly exaggerating the difficulties.
vB are under no obligation to look after the interests of third-party add-on sales; vB's obligation is to its own customers and its own software.
Of course, staying with 3.x is an option, temporarily that is. Eventually, 3.x will run out of gas, become vulnerable, then what? What option do I, the user have then?
Equally, you could stay with Windows 3.11 and never never pay a cent for upgrades. Your choice.
You cannot blame Microsoft for coming out with Win98, and Win2000, and WinXP, and charging more for them though.
Whomever thought up the idea of two products (one cms+all, one bare), and no addon modules clearly has no marketing or development experience. How do you justify telling your users "I'm sorry, but we no longer respect your purchase"? Huh??
I disagree with your conclusion and your views. As simply another vB customer.
And I've bought now-obsolescent third-party add-ons too. I was one of the first to buy vBlogetin and install it; and now it's defunct, and vB have their own blog system. That's how the cookie crumbles, and I see no reason for me to +++++ about it; I've had a pretty fair deal overall on most things vB and vB-associated.