Originally Posted by Alfa1
In LDM_new a number is displayed after each name, to denote the number of hits. how do I remove this?
In template adv_portal_custom_ldm_new_one remove the line:
<div style="float:right"><span class="smallfont">$linkhits</span></div>
Originally Posted by Alfa1
In ldm_new_thumb: Is there anyway to display the file title under the thumb?
In template adv_portal_custom_ldm_new_thumb_one, immediately before the <else /> line, insert
<div class="smallfont">$linkshortname</div>
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Is it possible to set a cut-off date for ldm_new_media?
Requires a code edit to forum/modules/ldm_new_media.php.
Find the line:
$order = "linkdate DESC ";
Immediately after, insert:
$cutoff = TIMENOW - 24*60*60*$GLOBALS['links_defaults']['days_seen_on_portal'];
$filter[] = "link.linkdate>$cutoff";
This will cause the module to use your LDM admin setting *days_seen_on_portal* as cutoff. If you want to use a different value, change $GLOBALS['links_defaults']['days_seen_on_portal'] to the required number of days, e.g. set it to 10.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Is there any way to play vp6 flv videos?
I downloaded a test vp6 video (
https://flix.on2.com/samples/on2tm_640.flv) and installed it in LDM. It plays fine through the JW player, both via the jukebox and inline. However, there seem to be a series of debates/problem reports on the longtail video site about problems with vp6 flash videos and the JW player.
Originally Posted by Alfa1
Many of my videos can not be played embedded in LDM. ldm_new_media therefore only shows the titles of these videos. Is there any way to have ldm_new_media ignore videos that can not be displayed?
What type of video cannot be played embedded in LDM?
Originally Posted by Alfa1
If some videos are not displayed, then the JWH player videos that are displayed are blown up to fill all available space, instead of the set pixel size. I am not 100% sure that the absence of video thumbs is the cause.