Originally Posted by Tim Skellett
I see the reasoning behind the bundling, and it really does make sense.
So, you're saying that you have no problem paying for something you're never going to use then?
Originally Posted by Tim Skellett
As for price rises, correct me if I am wrong, but overall vB compares very favourably indeed with other commercial software in price/capability measures, and has kept price rises low. I will be looking forward to vB 4!
Historically, yes, vBulletin has been reasonable and kept very comparable. That was all before IB, however
Originally Posted by R1lover
If you buy windows 98, and then XP comes out, you don't get to upgrade for free do you?
Bad example, really. If you buy Win 98, and the sale states "all future versions of Windows will be free for 10 years", you get just that, Win 98 AND all future versions of Win. free for 10 years
Originally Posted by Phaedrus
I dislike the idea that I purchased add ons that will now be obsolete
As the owner of 2 forums with blog addons, I fully agree here 100%.
Originally Posted by Phaedrus
will my purchase of those add ons reflect in the pricing of the Suite license or will that be extra money just gone?
It really
is a wait and see on that one, just like the "will my current licenses actually be eligible for what I purchased them for" question is a wait and see. Honestly, here's my 0.02 on the matter, and my own experience:
I have VBA CMPS in the system already, so, I'm effectively screwed. vBulletin CMS is way too late, and , honestly, there's no way in
hell you're going to get me to redo 50-100 pages of CMS data JUST to get to a blog. That's a bit horrific.
Of course, staying with 3.x is an option, temporarily that is. Eventually, 3.x will run out of gas, become vulnerable, then what? What option do I, the user have then?
Whomever thought up the idea of two products (one cms+all, one bare), and no addon modules clearly has no marketing or development experience. How do you justify telling your users "I'm sorry, but we no longer respect your purchase"? Huh??