Originally Posted by r1lover
If you buy windows 98, and then XP comes out, you don't get to upgrade for free do you?
That does not apply because you can't buy a lifetime windows license with free upgrades.

We don't pay for the upgrades, we pay for support.

So I did use the correct example, but you reply'd with a wrong example.
and I'm not happy about it either
I did not see anything change for the better either since the IPB takeover of vBulletin.....
Originally Posted by cheat-master30
to have people literally trying to sue Jelsoft in return
Without any luck I guess....
It was known for months. It was in the leaked information
Well that could be, but it was not in the announcement forum, it was not known to me and the millions or so forums it was on, did not belong to the forums that either a lot of my friends or myself visit.

I visit 6 forums, of which I administer 1, am admin on another, moderate 4. Next to that I have my work and my family so it's quite possible for somebody not to heave read this and still be very busy.
There's a forum only option for the license as is. I'd assume that would be either a cheap or free upgrade.
If this is indeed the case, nobody will here me complaining anymore about this for the time being. But in that case it would be nice if somebody from staff would confirm this.