Originally Posted by Black Tiger
No that is the pricing change for normal vBulletin licenses and price changes for updates. Those were known for months and are already long time effective.
I'm talking about these:
And those were -not- known for months or weeks. At least these kind of announcements should be made by email to licensed users. Not everybody visit's the forums every week. I did not see anything in the announcement part of a rise.
It was known for months. It was in the leaked information that got posted over half a million or so forums on that eventful day, and the information that's caused vBulletin.com to have people literally trying to sue Jelsoft in return. Okay, not much was discussion on .org, but .org's a modification community/developer community, not just support.
I don't need all that other crap, and so do a lot of other people I guess. So there already was a price raise, and now we got another one.
And without the option to be able to only buy or renew only the forum software to version 4 if I understand correctly.
That is not the Lifetime!!! license I bought. I bought a lifetime forum license and I don't want to pay extra because some people in the office think they should put all unnecessary stuff to it which has nothing to do with a forum, like CMS, project, blog or whatever. Where is the legality on changing this lifetime license? My life isn't over yet. At least I hope.
There's a forum only option for the license as is. I'd assume that would be either a cheap or free upgrade.