Hey all. Once again, I am working on coding one of the coolest things I can think of. I'm working on what I would like to call "the ultimate navbar"...
It floats, has dropdown css menus, its CENTERED (how did I do that

and it stays docked at the top of the screen.
Go to
www.quad4forums.com and select the test theme for a demo of what i've got so far.
Now here's my question:
How do I get a list of forums into an array? I plan on using the array later as a dropdown list of forums that the user can click on.
I planned on basing it somewhat after my scrolling latest threads thing. It uses the following code (heres the important part) and its really cool.
for (Y; Y >-1; Y--)
pausecontent2[Y]=q[Y]+' - <a href=\"showthread.php?t='+threads[Y].threadid+'\"><B>Recent Thread - <I>'+threads[Y].title+'</I></A></b> (Posted By: '+threads[Y].poster+' on '+threads[Y].threaddate+')'
I just can't get a forum list. I don't really want outputted html, just something where I can do the following... (its in pseudocode)
for X = 1 to ubound(forumcount)
arrayForumName(X) = forumsomefile.php?somecommand=x
arrayForumURL(X) = forumsomefile.php?somecommand=x
next x
Can this be done? Do I just need to drag it from the database using SQL commands? UGH why is such a simple thing so hard to do.
BTW: $forumjump doesn't work in the navbar or header