Originally Posted by aperio
Mod is also not working for me. Mine is a fresh install of vbulletin version 3.8.3 and i have triple checked to ensure all files are in place and that I have the settings as they should be... links are simply links (youtube videos, embedding allowed) whether new posts or old ones edited. The videos are simply not appearing. Just a heads-up that it's not an isolated incident... great looking mod though, so I'll try to be patient 
Let me guess -- and the tooltip was showing up when you hovered the link, saying "External Embedding Not Available"?
I think I just figured this out:
Turn off "Extract destination data" in the settings. It seems like it's detecting embedding as disabled regardless. You'll need to rebuild to fix old posts, but any new posts should just show up.
This is vB3.8.3 by the way, in case it helps Geek!
Cheers all
UPDATE: The only other plug-in that seemed like it might conflict was the "Auto-Merge Post" plugin, which also uses the newpost_complete hook. I disabled it and the problem was still there.