The healthcare "reform" is being sought the WRONG way. 1 word = Pharmaceuticals. What happens when 100% of people are covered and noone can afford their $1000/mo heart tablets? Up shytcreek with no paddle and no heart tablets LOL. Wanna reform healthcare? Start with the multi-trillion dollar pharmaceutical industry to help cover the costs instead of taxing the hell out of "rich" people.
I think it's a nobel enterprise. The concept of all citizens having access to healthcare could only be a wonderful thing to embrace. But rushing legislation through congress in some sort of gungho "I'm gonna get ya suckas" type of fashion is all the wrong way of going about it.
As it seems now - I would call the "reform" both half-assed and a major fail. The reason: because it's being rushed and there is no comprehensive PLAN developed yet. Hell - Obama in fact was caught on tape saying he didn't know about certain parts of the plan and blablabla = Supposedly it's HIS (and the Democrat-lead Congress') plan.
Yeah... Major fail.