Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive
being in the UK i have no idea, can you give us a clue?? 
Around 15% of American citizens are not covered at all by any form of health-care. Another substantial percentage are under-covered. Obama would like see all USA citizens covered by health-care, and has left it Congress to make its own plan, seeing as how Congress doesn't like outsiders making plans.
Owing to the extremely high cost of health-care in the USA (per citizen, it costs twice as much in percentage of GDP than for a citizen the UK), the whole system is a nightmare for any reformer, and an utter nightmare for anyone who wants to see all USA citizens covered under the present USA system (which Obama does not want to try changing).
Frankly, Obama is in an impossible situation through no fault of his own on this, and it's only getting worse; health-care costs are steadily and quickly climbing upwards in the USA, and it's complete political dead-lock on actually getting any sanity into the system.