Originally Posted by fmckinnon
Thanks ... I just deleted my followup ... I revoked permissions in Settings > Connections on the wrong twitter account, and then manually went into phpmyadmin and deleted the oauth info from my user profile in the mySQL database - maybe that wasn't the easy way, but it worked. Now, I went to tweet it and got the oauth, which i did on my correct account.
Is there a way to make it NOT do the "I have successfully setup ..." tweet on the first post? Users won't understand that they have to do their first "tweet this" twice - once for the oauth, and again for the actual post.
Currently, the way that OAuth works, is that it doesn't send back any information. I can't say "tid" and have it returned. So, if they set it up first, it works. If not, they are screwed. Sorry to say it.
Originally Posted by doa24uk
Can this mod allow auto-tweeting when a topic is created so that it tweets immediately to the users account (if they've set up their account in the options page??)
Not yet at least.
Originally Posted by ZiG
what about a reverse vbtwitter, where your members can link their twitter account to the website and everytime they tweet it is fed to the vb. so user tweets can show up on a CMPS or CMS?
That would be like an RSS feed. But no.