The recoding of vBookie which is being labelled as vBookie 2.0 that I am working on (with the blessing of Andreas) works out of the box on 3.8.3 meaning you download the file, upload the files needed and make just one template edit and install the product and it works.
It is written so it handles numerous points system including vBCredits, vBux, and most other popular points/credits system - without any template/php file edits it is a simple drop down menu to select the cash/credits/points system that you use and an option to change the field in the database if you have named it something else.
It also has the option to change the overall name: where it says vBookie Event you can change that to Virtual Betting etc more or less whatever you want.
So that is the first steps completed it works out of the box and allows some better customisation, now I am turning my focus to be working on adding additional features.
A number of bugs have been fixed including one that almost ruined my website where the users get their money back plus their winnings - in real life betting this does not happen.
I found that if people put 100 credits on an event that was paying 2/1 if that event won they would get the 100 credits they originally bet back, as well as 200 further credits for winning meaning if you have multiple bets available then your users can cheat and bet 100 credits on two outcomes and not lose any credits overall as it was handing money back to them.
So I have fixed this bug to react like real betting... and have already added one feature where you can select if an event is a race eg: Horse Race, Motorsport Race which allows you to enter a win price and place price then when selecting the outcome of the event there are two columns one for the Winning Horse/Driver/Car and one for the Horses/Drivers/Cars that finished with a placing.
So as I mentioned when I first started I am far from being a top notch coder and so work continues on it trying to find and add further features - I am considering entering a final beta stage of what I have at the moment and releasing it as vBookie 2.0 and then continue to work and add further features to release as 2.1, 2.2, 2.3 etc etc.