Originally Posted by Saviour
Personally...and it's just my opinion...I think this request makes no sense...since a thread that is not marked as [SOLVED], by definition alone...means that it IS [UNSOLVED]. So why add a redundant prefix?
Actually for a support forum it makes perfect sense! Visually showing the prefix in green or red for solved and unsolved saves a massive amount of time and I have it so when i click on the prefix I can sort the whole forum into the prefix i clicked on.
No prefix means no prefix was selected, but a unsolved prefix clearly means it was unsolved there is nothing redundant at all. Just visual efficiency which can then be sorted with a simple click on the prefix. I have this all working on my site in a selected help form using 3 mods together. This needs to be the standard behavior when you change the thread to unsolved it gets reopened and labeled as such!
Searching and Filtering Results by Prefix
Another big issue which escaped your reply back to me is this: We can search a forum by prefixes. being able to search a forum and filter only solved or unsolved issues is again critical and a must. Now that I have both prefixes in place my Admins, mods, and members can do advanced searches and filter the results by clearly labeled prefixes!

So with your idea of not even having an Unsolved prefix now there is no way to really filter unmarked threads form unresolved threads!
(See advanced search screenshot)
All I am asking is that the same feature this mod does already for marking as solved be applied to the action of unsolved. Clear prefix labels on large boards are critical.
Again, I have mods in place which allow me to mark single or multiple threads by changing prefixes at the forum view level where we see all the threads listed.
It would be great to have this mod simply do what it is designed to do for both solved and unsolved prefixes.
My screenshot says it all! Easy to identify and very easy for me to click on any prefix and the whole forum sorts to that prefix
NOW THATS A HELP FORUM!!! (Did I mention idiot proof? members who are learning to use the forum love "Labels for Dummies")Profession help desk solutions such as
Kayako SupportSuite (the industry standard) all have this as standard because they understand that efficiency, ticket time, response time, is the issue resolved, opened, closed, unresolved, etc all depend of clearly getting that information as quick as possible to the agent. These tweaks are small but the effect is enormous when handling large amounts of submitted issues (threads).
When a new thread is created it would be best if it is auto marked with this mod in our selected forums as [UNSOLVED]. Then when the issue has been solved we can change it to
[SOLVED] or again back to [
UNSOLVED] both with the correct and clear prefix labels. In my opinion having working in the support field professionally... These small additions to your mod will really put the finishing touches on it. Also, for those who want a [
For Sale] and [
SOLD] mod all they have to do, which has been stated already, is simply change the phrases of this existing mod!