Originally Posted by JakeS
I don't trust those flu shots TBH.
My grandma's brother, got the flu jab.. 2 weeks later he ended up with flu.
Very affective 
hah..that is usually what happens to most people. The flu shot is them giving you the live virus...
Originally Posted by Marco van Herwaarden
PS A big difference between normal flu and the current H1N1 seems to be that where the normal flu infects mostly (or at least to such a level that doctor intervention is needed) are the elder and the weak. The H1N1 infected more "strong" people, ie. youth and younger healthy adults.
That is because that age of people usually don't go and get the flu shots unless they are in hospitals or schools. There is really no need for them to do so. So this 'stronger' flu hits them first (or more often) because they are less treated or don't think they need treatment, because they are young and 'strong'