Originally Posted by Wayne Luke
Really... There is only so much a country can do. Now that they have released all the Tamiflu and made the H1N1 virus into an antibiotic resistant strain, we're in for a bumpy ride. I doubt it will be as virulent as originally thought but there are over 40,000 cases and 263 deaths in the United States attributed to this virus so far. Though that is about the same level as annual flu outbreaks. New York City probably sees more deaths than that every year from annual strains. We'll see how far it goes once it gets colder and people confine themselves inside at work, school and play.
I suspect there will be a shortage of Flu shots this fall. Get yours early.
I don't trust those flu shots TBH.
My grandma's brother, got the flu jab.. 2 weeks later he ended up with flu.
Very affective