Every Day you learn of a death of a young soldier, through lack of equipment or not having the correct kit, why are we still sending them to war without??
The latest British soldier to be killed in Afghanistan was named last night as 22-year-old Corporal Joseph Etchells of the 2nd Battalion the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.
Cpl Etchells, who was engaged to be married and had a young daughter, died when a Taliban booby-trap bomb exploded when he was on a foot patrol near the town of Sangin on Sunday.
He is 186th UK serviceman to die in Afghanistan and the 17th since the start of July - making this the worst month for losses from ground combat since operations began in 2001. So Sad.
Whilst Guys that have lost limbs, recieve ?15,000 compensation, a secretary in the MOD office in London gets ?250,000 for RSI injury to her thumb??
With PM's stealing Taxpayers Money to live their lives in Luxuary, and furnish their houses and 2nd homes, Theres no money left to buy Helicopters, or life saving Kit, If thats not siding with the Taliban through sheer recklessness, then tell me what is.
Gordon Brown and his bunch of theives are traitors to England, The Queen and her Soldiers, He needs arresting for Treason.
Never again will England Feel proud as it did when we fought in the Falklands, without help from anyone. They say Maggie has more balls than Brown, and its True!!
I'll have a bash adding that petition later,