He wasnt going to make the shirt , he never even had time to decline before the deal was "intercepted"
this isnt about the shirt its about the fact that obviously the government monitors ISP's somehow because there not on his computer or my server
--------------- Added [DATE]1248132917[/DATE] at [TIME]1248132917[/TIME] ---------------
Years ago I ordered 8 foot banners from canada , i told them to ship it to my name and not diesel bombers , well they stamped Diesel Bombers on the Long Cardboard tube ...needless to say when it hit the us border it was diverted to the embassy and got all dog knotted up for 3 weeks , and after a few phone calls i got it and there was only 1 banner at $180 there was suppose to be 3 of them so i got ripped off at one of the random opening at the border or embassy . this is the main reason why i went ? , Diesel Bombers? looks legit on over seas shipments and they can just check the registry and let my stuff threw