Hello all,
I hate to complain about much of anything, but whenever I am doing searches I often get an improper response.
Today I was searching for a mod to mark as installed, the title is 'UserGroups Legend In Forumhome' but after hitting the search all mods or any option really, it tells me...
The search term you specified (In) is under the minimum word length (3) and therefore will not be found. Please make this term longer.
If this term contains a wildcard, please make this term more specific.
Now I can understand the system interpreting a "pasted" search term as a single entity, however this occurs even when i have typed it in myself, and even when changing case to ensure FireFox isn't pulling for the cached previous terms used.
Any ideas here? I would hate to be using a mod and not mark it installed for the developer, and this isn't the only one tis has happened with, so there are a few mods i am using that i cannot find to mark as installed because the plug-in page links are either not there, or set to bring me to the forum post in the mods section as the others i am using did.
Thanks for any input offered for what I may be failing to do right!