Originally Posted by Zachery
What exactly is your peitition for?
Hi Zachery
About the UK Goverment and its treatment of its soldiers in afganistan.
If this happened in World War 2, Gordon Brown would of been shot for Treason.
Sending Troops into battle without the necessary protection and equipment, tells me he must have struck a deal with the Taliban - Traitor!! He's doing what the Taliban want!!
He still sends troops without the proper equipment, and body amour into battle, He's not looking at the lives lost, but more the money saved, makes me mad!!!
At the moment The UK forces are having to beg equipment from the Yanks and the Aussies, because we have none, Whilst this is going on and the Government says it has no money, people are dying.
Its not on, and makes me so angry, especially since its been discovered that UK members of Parliment have been fiddling their expenses for years.