Originally Posted by TruthElixirX
Probably the fact that we are getting less violent towards one another as time goes on.
But you know, keep spouting off anecdotes and such. I enjoy hearing them, nerd raging, then proving you wrong.
Stops at 03. Seems to be US Only..
Anyhow.. you think the streets are safe in england? go into a little suburb, like the ones were you walk in an area, if you don't have the same post code as them, they'll kill you.
Trust me. This world is no better than it's ever been.
"Crime rates" are generally judged by whom has been imprisioned and caught.. How can they say it's a youth, if they don't know the killer? Stat's are never right, as the government always lie anyway.
England is like America now, where it never used to be. It's like a battle field. Really.
PS: "Technically" it's my generation that are bad (90's)