And let's not forget the testing beforehand. Nasa using pure oxygen in their capsule and exposing wires which frayed and sparked an explosion cooking 3 astonauts to their deaths. infact, one of the astronauts advise another astronaut who wasworried & killed (Gus Grissom) to complain but he didn't for fear he would have been taken off the program.
During the early stages, Nasa where guilty of cutting corners and putting the lives ahead of the need to gain one step ahead of the russians.
Let's also not forget if it wasn't for the talents of Wernher von Braun and had the russians not captured him first in world war 2 it would have been a whole different story.
That said. The mercury program made this all possible. The astronauts took a hell of chance perform spacewalks and performing docking procedures that even made the apollo program even possible.