Hmmm- Exclusive and custom may be two entirely different concepts from those outside the designer "arena" persee. Most requests in the paid requests section is made by those who are looking for an affordable custom solution - or perhaps even a customized header/icon set to be amended onto a premade skin - THAT's what I'm saying $300 - $450 pricerange is applicable to.
$2000 for an exlusive design you have spent 30+ hours on is to be expected because every designer I know wants to be paid a very fair wage for his/her time and creativity.
ha! I think I am not very crazy about styling either Girl - I do love the money though tehehehe - and I'm not all that bad at it. I absolutely abhor the concept of supporting a style through various vB version upgrades though ARG --- Hmmm - being stickied though is an entirely different stimulation, erm - I mean situation LMAO :P