Originally Posted by scottjonesqpr
Wonder if anyone can help.
I have this installed on my forum but get this
Fatal error: Call to undefined function curl_init() in /home/default/wearetherangersboys.com/user/htdocs/forum/includes/class_twitterOAuth.php on line 115
You don't have cURL installed on your server. COntact your host.
Originally Posted by fmckinnon
King - OK, got #1 and #3 done - check it out - I'm using a graphic now, instead of the text:
On #3 - I'm not afraid of tweeking the code to add manually, just now sure where to pull the actual code from, and where to insert it ...
A couple of new questions:
1 - now that I'm authorized, when I tweet a post or thread, I get no confirmation or any indication that it happened. It *DOES* happen, but as soon as I click on "Tweet This ...", the page reloads and there is no confirmation. As a result, I fear that our users will think it's broken, and will keep clicking the "Tweet This" over and over. Where am I supposed to be seeing a confirmation, or is this something that has to be enabled?
2 - because of the way the single post looks - I'd rather ONLY give the option to "tweet this thread" ... how can I change the code so that in the post headers, it's the "tweet this thread" option INSTEAD of the "tweet this post" option?
3 - when I did the initial oauth authorization, I was logged into the wrong twitter account. How can I deauthorize my twitter account with my userID and start over re-authorizing with my other twitter ID?
Thanks in advance!
Originally Posted by fmckinnon
Update on my post above - here's what I did ... I went to twitter.com and logged in as the user I do NOT want the tweets to post to - went to Settings > Connections, and revoked my VBTwitter app.
So now, when logged in as that user, it doesn't post to Twitter because of this, but the userID in vbulletin doesn't "know" it needs to be re-auth with a different account - when I attempt to use the "tweet this" links, I'm wanting to get a new oauth process, but nothing happens - how can I reset that userID in vbulletin to start over w/ oauth?
Well to answer them both. Tweet this post: do you want it as part of the thread? There's a switch for that. For the resetting, I believe you can reauthorize through the settings using the
correct user information. Just go to twitter_auth.php again. (Not tested). And nice image.

And there's no confirmation in v1.0. It was a dumb design. And in v1.1 I plan on trying to add a little check mark through AJAX.