King - OK, got #1 and #3 done - check it out - I'm using a graphic now, instead of the text:
On #3 - I'm not afraid of tweeking the code to add manually, just now sure where to pull the actual code from, and where to insert it ...
A couple of new questions:
1 - now that I'm authorized, when I tweet a post or thread, I get no confirmation or any indication that it happened. It *DOES* happen, but as soon as I click on "Tweet This ...", the page reloads and there is no confirmation. As a result, I fear that our users will think it's broken, and will keep clicking the "Tweet This" over and over. Where am I supposed to be seeing a confirmation, or is this something that has to be enabled?
2 - because of the way the single post looks - I'd rather ONLY give the option to "tweet this thread" ... how can I change the code so that in the post headers, it's the "tweet this thread" option INSTEAD of the "tweet this post" option?
3 - when I did the initial oauth authorization, I was logged into the wrong twitter account. How can I deauthorize my twitter account with my userID and start over re-authorizing with my other twitter ID?
Thanks in advance!