I would like to say you created one AWESOME MOD For VB! The Installation was Very Easy! This product is very well put together and thought out. Although the following bugs and needs are apparent they in NO WAY Diminish the Luster of this Great Mod!
I would like to point out a few things I did run across while using this great product.
#1 - We Need a More In Depth Admin Changing Capability to change all the configs on this mod without having to physically edit the DNP Configuration File. Never Mind Changed Admin to Usergrp 5 for SuperMods, Since I am The Only Admin and I never Log In As Admin. WooHoo!
#2 Would Love to see an Option to Let Users Add An Album too.
#3 For Some reason I did have to edit the Config File and Put My Site URL in the top spots, using the ip addy in first spot made users go to a new opened tab/page.
#4 The Size of the People Posters on Side Column Bottom are Way Too Small!
#5 When Clicking on a Poster on Side Column Bottom and error comes up (The requested URL /192 was not found on this server.) not the correct path used for a persons profile, although on the songs clicking on the poster name goes to their page.
#6 Experiencing issues changing media data from admincp, adding a pic/poster works, although it does not show up in admicp, changing from audio to flash makes no difference, and unable to delete the media (Just goes to a blank screen) Now of course if you are the user and edit the media from within music.php everything is fine, also you can change any media you wanted to delete to some other media you do want to keep.
#7 Would Like to See Playlist in A Fixed Sized Box With Scroll Bar On Side for those of us that have expanded the Playlist from 10 to like 50.
#8 Would Like To See A Few More Features To Also Make This A Movie DB MOD as Well, Like Add In Actor/Actress. Multiple Embedded Videos on One Page for a Movie to be Embedded.
#9 Maybe The ability To Select Multiple Artists or Actors for A Collaborated effort.
#10 Would Love Capability to Choose What Forums New Topics can ignore or have it check permissions, since I do have an adult forum and dont really need to see those titles displayed in a public area.
Great Mod again Keep Up the Great Work! WooHoo!