Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive
So do you think we're worrying, when we don't need to??
I believe there's cause for concern. I mean, there is no denying it .. people are dying from H1N1. I just don't think the concern needs to be spread around more than the virus itself. This is how I imagine the media would react if there were a zombie outbreak.. not a low lethal virus. However, I am thankful that we are all now informed of a potentially deadly virus outbreak.. so concern has it's place, but this has just gone completely overboard.
Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive
Do the drugs companies which rake in millions in treatment drugs, know of a cure for cancer but won't tell as they will lose billions in the process??
I wouldn't put it past them, to be honest. I'm not talking doctors or nurses.. more so the politics behind it all. I think Health Care is corrupt, and they only care about one thing. Money. Money IS life, and actual life is meaningless.. Ah, the mindset of greed, right?
Originally Posted by UKBusinessLive
Like the Guy who invents a car which runs on water, the idea & copyright is bought for a few million by the oil companies and then shelved
Absolutely ridiculous. It's monopoly in its purest form. It's corruption and it's wrong. They won't get away with this stuff forever, one day we're all going to fight back, and hard. It's a shame that it will come to that to get anything logical on the right track though, isn't it?