12 people in four days is certainly high for the Swine Flu, but.. How many people have died from Cancer? HIV? Prescription Drugs? Alcohol? etc in that same four days?
Swine flu kills 25 people and everyone wants to run out and buy masks. Millions die from HIV and no one wants to wear a condom. Think about it.
I'm not saying this thing isn't a threat.. if it can be lethal, it is threatening, right? Right. But come on.. I am so sick of hearing about it. The media fear mongering is so ridiculous. I don't need to rush out and pay thousands of dollars to my terrifying health care system. I don't need to put myself into debt over something significantly less lethal than standard influenza (which I've survived many times in my life).
"Up to 65,000 people could die" -- How? Because out of the thousands of people who have been diagnosed with it, a measly percentage of them have passed away? It's tragic, yes, but it doesn't need to be in the news sixty times a day. We have other things that need to be addressed, like Cap and Trade, our falling economy and unemployment rates, etc. But no, I have to hear about the 30th person to get Swine Flu, and the second person to have died from it (in my local state only).. Come on!!
Edit: So in the poll, where's the option for, "They're doing way TOO much, just stop already."?