Originally Posted by imported_silkroad
So, there is no mass "translation" at all, if you have no bots clicking on the translations flags; and even if you have GoogleBot pulling on your site at all times, like we do, with 20 to 50 bots pulling at any time, the bots do not only pull on the translations flags, they are pulling all your content, so don't worry, this mod will not crash your site.
well not this script will crash your server.
But you should have ever an eye on your Server load and memory.
This script needs some of that. My Server crashed after I put this script on.
So I am try to optimise my server settings without any success.
The reason (I hope) was the crawler form www brandwatch net
They didi not respect the robos.txt at all:
User-agent: magpie-crawler
Disallow: /
Dose not help.
They try to crawl my site with a
speed 50 times higher than Google.
All ?normal? Search Engines donning their Job with more respect.
I goning to move server anyway but is planed for November this Year.
My current one has only 1G of memory.
So: additional needs + to high crawler activities + low memory = crash
But it?s not this script, it was the crawler. Now he find himself in the IP-Tables as ?Drop?

This AddOn is working very well.