Originally Posted by barcena
Version check failed. No version number was found at this location. The URL for the version check may be incorrect, or the server may be experiencing problems. Please try again later.
Any thoughts?
Also on the Admin CP I have this (see attachment please). I can't think the server has any problem because I have it on my other forum running as a charm and both forums are on the very same server (Linux)
I'm running 3.8.3 and installed this version, is that OK? ==> product-autotaggerfromcontentandtitle100.xml
Wrong installation

Use last release - please download zip file with biggest number at the end. I understand that you did it make upload, but installed old product file instead this one which was in zip package - that’s why you have options menu without translations. Make install again with newest product-file and other files
About version check error - yesterday I had problems with vbulletin.org server so it can be the cause

But is also possible that I mis somesthing in this area

I will check it. Anyway - mod is working, and if issues with update are my fault I will correct it