Originally Posted by azn_romeo_4u
Anyone with 2mill + post try this? This would increase my page content by millions...could cause some massive cpu/memory problems...
is there a simple way to remove them in case that happens? I would just dumb the new tables that were created right?
When you install this, you will see that your post count is not that big of a deal because pages do not get translated and stored in the database until someone, or a bot, pulls a page with the translation flag at the end.
So, there is no mass "translation" at all, if you have no bots clicking on the translations flags; and even if you have GoogleBot pulling on your site at all times, like we do, with 20 to 50 bots pulling at any time, the bots do not only pull on the translations flags, they are pulling all your content, so don't worry, this mod will not crash your site.