Originally Posted by Gersfan
Sorry for the confussion, I always and did read the mod info on first post but don't know where I got confussed.
Thanks, I understand now.
Just one thing where abouts in the ACP do you add tags as i've never done that before, Thanks again.
Admin CP -> Threads & Posts -> Tags
Honestly - I also never add tags this way

I just add manually tags when I'm writing new thread and I'm sure that such tag doesn't exist, or when I see that it doesn't exist after writing the post. But as I wrote in one of post - when I started using tags, then after few posts I was using already existing tags over and over again - It would be hard to use new ones if forum is about specific topics

So I made mod which do it automatically and assures me that none of new garbage tags will be added - only those keywords which I considered valuable and already made tags for theme

And even if some new tag ocures this mod will add it to old topics
So with this mod I'm 100% sure that if people are writing about important stuff it will be tagged, and if somesthing new will be considered as important, then all related topics will be also tagged even if was created before new tag arrived