Originally Posted by NLP-er
This mod DOES add thread tags.
It is clearly described that this mod works with already existing tags in forum  It will automatically assign tags to new and old threads and those tags must already exist. You can add new tags whenever you want - this mod will assign those to already existing threads.
I really don't know where your expectations and confusion comes from - jut read mod description to know how it works  There you have simple example
Whole idea of this mod is to NOT CERATE any tag - only automatically assign existing one. This way you have always clean and appropriate tags. Creating automatically new tags will quickly make garbage in your tags.
Adding tag to thread and create tag those are 2 different things  This mod doesn't create any tag, but it does automatically add tags to threads 
Sorry for the confussion, I always and did read the mod info on first post but don't know where I got confussed.
Originally Posted by Tilly
In your Admin CP, you can add tags to your tag database, if you have none in there it will not pull tags from threads and add them as tags.
When you add tags into your database it will find THOSE tags and identifiy them as tags with each new post or reply....this way you don't have random tags that no one would give a shit about like "the, and, there, was, how" but instead ones you identify as a tag like "cat, dog, small, big"
Got it?
Thanks, I understand now.
Just one thing where abouts in the ACP do you add tags as i've never done that before, Thanks again.