Great man! I post below the complete code to rap up.
If not, if you allow posting whithout registering, the new post / thread page is not translated at all (not that you have something to translate

) and it will look to google duplicate content in all languages. (just tested)
Dave you save my day
This will show flags only on index , forums, and threads for all groups:
<!-- vBGT Code Start-->
<if condition="in_array(THIS_SCRIPT, array('forumdisplay', 'showthread', 'index'))">
<div align="center">
<!-- google_ad_section_start(weight=ignore) -->
<!-- google_ad_section_end -->
<!-- vBGT Code End -->
Here you find how to edit VBSEO sitemap so it work with this mod. I have added all languages in the copy paste code except en.