Originally Posted by indianhacker
i to got the same error but i cant understand what you said can you tell me brefily
and i see a white image when i add a video can you plz chcek it out
my site link
youtube link
i added it as you aid only using Yes, Instant Guide
Please refer to this
Instant! Guide : Embedding Clip fron Online Video Sharing Services
Originally Posted by csoroner
Here's the error I get after I created some category's and such:
This came after the 5th install attempt. Everything said the install went fine. I even clicked the navbar link and the message said it went good and to go to the acp and start creating category's but still it's down to this error. Most were removed after the 4th attempt.
Too much time.............................................. ...............................................
This is clearly a client configuration issue. As if you search for it, ctype_digit is a default function for PHP > 4 from its offcial homepage at
http://us2.php.net/manual/en/function.ctype-digit.php . Your error even says that this function is not found then some setting on your host configuration has restricted it. ctype_digit is function to valid if a requested ID is numerical value. It is for safety purpose, to sanitize the data being sent.