Originally Posted by wolfstream
No, that means that there is an issue with how you're trying to setup the app, or use the app. I have installed this on a number of servers, a number of configurations, and know that it works. Never once, when using UPDATED code have I had a problem.
Again, Wrong..
You assume I do not know what I am doing or how to code. You might want to check again and see that not only have I been registered since 2002 but I have released a few mods of my own. Lately I've just been extremely busy to contribute on my own.
Originally Posted by wolfstream
Again, no. That meaans the developer was last HERE in the last couple weekss. That also means that they HAVE logged in. If you want support, ask for it here. if it's not given here, PM or email the developer. Others have said they'll get back to you, and they WILL. Again, remember real life takes precedence over your forum, ESPECIALLY if you don't want to respect the coder at all.
Support IS given, the dev DOES login. Just because it's not as often as you'd like doesn't mean it's "unsupported"
The Dev. of this mod does NOT give support, does NOT login, and therefore this mod is NOT supported. It is as simple as that.
I have released a few old mods that I no longer support but other people reply to other posts... does that mean they're still supported? No.. So stop trying to stick up for this incompetent developer.
The developer of this mod has not fixed any of the problems that many of us have had. The developer of this mod has not logged in for over a month. That means this mod is no longer supported and as such should not be marked that it is. And again, this mod will not install correctly on my server running a full version of the latest VB with PHP5.. therefore there is a problem. Different servers act different ways. Just because it works on yours does not mean it will work on ours.