Originally Posted by a9eel
pls shoud i add tagees manuly or i let it for the hake do it for me
First manually - so mod will know which tags you are interested. After that mod will add tags for you and anybody every time when tag word occurs in post content or title

This way mod adds only relevant tags not just any word which exists.
In my forum after few days of using tag system I added all relevant tags, just with new posts, after that by months used only those (if your forum is about specific topic, or several topics, then all posts are around those topics). So I thought - It is just stupid - I add over and over same tags in my posts, and also had to add when someone forget - why some mod doesn't do this for me?... And now it does
This mod adds tags not only for new topics - but with every post. That was my 2nd nightmare with tags. Topic was about X and after few replies people was talking about Y and Z and other related topics. I had enough to spy every little post and look does thread needs new tags.
If you know what I'm talking about, then it means that,
this mod is created for you