Hi all,
Here is the situation...
My FORUM uses the "Cyb - Advanced Forum Statistics" mod. When a User turns this off, they get this message:
To re-enable them use "Enable Top Statistics" option in "Quick Links" menu.
The problem is that we do not show a "Quick Links" menu... probably due to our custom template.
So, I was hoping to add a link to the FORUM JUMP menu... I just don't know how to format the link.
I got to the FORUMJUMP template and i even got "Quick Links" to show in the "JUMP" dropdown menu by cheating a little bit.
I just don't know how to format the link it self.
Here is what I used to get the text in there:
<option value="quick" $frmjmpsel[nojs_link]>$vbphrase[quick_links]</option>
I know this isn't right.
Can someone help me?
I am running v3.8.1 at
Thanks in advance.