Originally Posted by drsli
I do respect for sure, that any thinkable life-event can prevent a coder from giving (public) support and I am graiteful for all efforts at this awesome place, but what is the problem to set this very mod to "unsupported"? Or to create a new category "privately supported"?
Read fully through the thread. The mod is supported. Individuals have said countless times that they received support by emailing the author. That makes this mod
Now, I don't like the man not shhowing up for months either, and I
absolutely agree that there needs to be some definition here, BUT the mod is supported, if not through the author, through individuals like myself who have experience with the aapp and php/sql in general.
Originally Posted by 350Chevy
2) A clean install on a clean BB on my site with PHP5 and it still doesn't work means there's an issue with this mod and some servers/settings somewhere.
No, that means that there is an issue with how you're trying to setup the app, or use the app. I have installed this on a number of servers, a number of configurations, and know that it works. Never once, when using UPDATED code have I had a problem.
Originally Posted by 350Chevy;1um847075
3) Developer Last Online: Jun 2009 = This mod is not supported.
Again, no. That meaans the developer was last HERE in the last couple weekss. That also means that they HAVE logged in. If you want support, ask for it here. if it's not given here, PM or email the developer. Others have said they'll get back to you, and they WILL. Again, remember real life takes precedence over your forum, ESPECIALLY if you don't want to respect the coder at all.
Support IS given, the dev DOES login. Just because it's not as often as you'd like doesn't mean it's "unsupported"
Originally Posted by tr03bor
Can you help me with my issue then?
There is a really easy and common sense solution to that:
DON'T try to import data. See, I told you it was easy. Let the user fill their own data out if they want.