Okay, to anyone having issues with images in signatures: it appears there's a conflict only when a user is using an upload signature picture
and an externally-linked image at the same time. I'm looking into how best to work around this, but for those of you who allow both of these things and want to keep using the rest of the hack (for posts, comments, blogs, etc.), here's a quick fix:
Just update the "Remove external link on postbit signature" plugin in the "in the "postbit_display_start" hook location. Replace it with this:
global $vbulletin;
if ($vbulletin->options['external_verify_sigs'] && (strpos($this->cache['sig'][$this->post['userid']], 'http') !== false || strpos($this->post['signature'], 'http') !== false)) {
$this->cache['sig'][$this->post['userid']] = $this->bbcode_parser->parse($this->post[signature]);
Set signature verification to "No" and your signature images should be left alone, and you can use the rest of the hack's functionality for the time being.