Originally Posted by Mosh
Rapidshare still has no facility to allow an uploads script like imageshack and megaupload to be embedded in a webpage, I have repeatedly said this over the last 2 years in all 3 versions of this hack.
Never heard of imagebam before I read this post, just had a look at it, same thing as rapidshare, it does not have a ready made facility to allow an upload script to be embedded in a webpage, although they have a developer api, you would have to write the embedded script from scratch and register for 2 different api keys, one for the developer and one for users (to be honest, not interested in registering for it), it is not something I am going in looking into at all.
Thats a shame that RS have not done this too. That would have been sweet to been able to give the user the option of either.
Edit: I noticed someone managed to do it here:
It is quarantined tho, so would this now be possible?