Originally Posted by mykkal
it would be nice if someone took total ownership and responsibility for it.
JUST becausse someone doesn't login here to support their mod doesn't mean they don't support it. Now I can't say for certain whether or not they support via email, but I have been told by individuals they got support from the author (as I was preparing to install it for them).
Originally Posted by mykkal
Vbulletin.org is getting very bad with mod developers not "supporting" the products they claim to.
Not necessarily. VB.org is getting very bad with developers not releasing stable code, YES, but I see no issues in this thread that can not be resolved by understanding and reading requirements. The mod doesn't
need support, if you follow instructions provided.
Originally Posted by mykkal
It leads to mass confusion and negative issues...
What leads to mass confusion is individuals coming in and claiming "this doesn't work" when it does, or not following instructions. IF you follow the instructions, it will work as expected
does anyone know how to turn off that popup that gets displayed after every post thats made? It asks if you want to publish it on facebook. I want it to do that automatically without asking the users...
Current version can't be done. In future versions, maybe the author will allow it, BUT this will cross a very, very fine line with Facebook's privacy setup, and run the risk of getting your app and account banned. You do NOT want notifications automatically sent, otherwise, you will end up being flagged as a 'spammer', which facebook frowns upon (moreso than the other)
Will the author return to support their hack? Maybe someday. Until then, your best response is to email them, and make sure to remember what you paid for this hack (absolutely nothing). As a developer, there is
nothing more annoying than someone constantly nagging and annnoying me about a free release, or demanding support for such release. Remember, you pay nothing, you are guaranteed nothing for support. You pay for support, you are guaranteed it.