Content of this post will change in time, because it will summarize most common questions/issues, presented by users. So If you don't feel happy to read whole discussion - here you have shortcut
1. On which vB versions it will work?
It is tested for 3.8.2 but can work on other versions. For older vB versions you have to modify product file and set
minversion="3.8.2" to your version. Right now it is confirmed to work on vB versions:
- 3.8.0
- 3.8.2
- 3.8.3
Please confirm other versions
2. Will this mod work with Persian(Farsi), Arabic or any other language?
Yes. I have confirmed that it works with Arabic, and should with any other

Already confirmed languages:
- Arabic
- English
- Polish
I will be grateful if you confirm other languages - it will help the others who are thinking about, install this mod

Also will motivate me to give you more great plugins
3. How this mod adds new tags? I don't want to have garbage in my tags...
Remember - creating new tag and assigning it to thread those are 2 different things.
This mod NEVER creates new tags directly, so it will never mess up your tags. Automatic creation of new tags is fast way to have garbage in tags.
This mod only assigns already existing tags to threads - new and old one. It will assign a tag to thread if this thread contains tag keyword in content or title of any of its posts (or first one - it's configurable).
It will also create tags propositions for each word in post title which is not tag yet. You can manage those propositions and approve it or dissaprove. Propositions are not viwible by any user! You can manage those only in Admin CP.
Such way You define what is important for you by creating tags (and you do it only once per tag), and this mod assures you that whenever people are writing about any of important things - those threads will be appropriately tagged
No automat can decide for you what is important - so this mod says: "
You are the master my lord - just tell me what's important and I'm gonna fallow your orders".
Note that you are able to configure tags propositions for automatic approve after quarantine time if you want.
4. How can I create new tags?
You can create new tags in 6 ways.
1st when you create new post and suspect that some important keyword doesn’t exists as tag yet - then you just add it when write a post. After that this mod will add new tags to all appropriate threads.
2nd when you already created post and see that something what you expected to exist as tag really doesn't - then just add tag for this thread. After that this mod will add new tags to all appropriate threads.
3rd in
AdminCP -> Thread Tagger -> Tags Related Words -> Add Tag
4th you can manually approve tags propositions what will change those to tags
5th you can set quarantine time after which tags propositions will be automatically approved and changed to tags
6th allow old thread tagger to create new tags. This is also a way, but it will make a garbage in your tags, since you will have absolutely no control what is added as new tag.
Note - no matter which way you use mod will work. You just have to create tags - mod will assign those to threads. 2 first ways already assign tag to one thread (mod will assign it to rest), 3rd way only create tag without any assignment - also mod will take care of this

4th allows you easly response for new posts content. 5th and 6th are messy and not advised.
5. How much work I will have with tags creation?
It depends of your forum. You don't have to set all possible tags at once. You can add new whenever are needed - mod will handle this

At my forum which is about 2 main topics (nlp and hypnosis), when I started to use tags, after few posts I was mainly adding same tags over and over again. That's why I created this mod. Add tag once, and let mod to assign it where it's appropriate.
Right now when tags proposal are rated automatically it can be few clicks
6. Do I have to create all tags myself?
Of course no - some of your users for sure cares about tags and add those. As owner you probably know what keywords are most important and which should exists as tags, so it is wise to add it. But as I already wrote you can add new ones whenever you want - this mod will assign it to old threads where is appropriate. If you want to have full tag control you can also limit other users and take theme right to create new tags (in Usergroup Manager) - it is up to you. You are the master here

Of course you can also allow the old tagger mod to be master and automatically add every word from title, but this way you finish with lot of garbage. One more time - it's up to you which way you prefer
7. How this mod differs from old thread tagger mod?
This mod never creates new tags directly - only assigns existing tags to threads.
This mod creates for you tags propositions according to posts titles - you can approve or disapprove those manually or set quarantine time after which will be automatically approved.
This mod parses not only title but also content of post.
This mod works not only for first post, but for all posts in thread (you can configure it).
This mod adds you such funtionalities as tag related words, forum default tags, and many others
8. When this mod adds new tags to old posts?
It is scheduled and executed daily
9. I approved some of tags propositions - what now?
For you it's everything

Whenever tag proposition is approved (manually or after quarantine time) it automatically becomes tag. So it will be assigned just when scheduled job for new tags will be executed. If you want you can run it manually from Admin CP, but it is not necessary because it is executed daily