actually, i can ask user to direct the php link. So once they click it will instantly download.
Yeah i thought about it but then as you can see theres so much bbcode to add for just a mere dl link. So its not just possinle for youto add a just simplecolumn with a hyperlinks active
wonder if its possible to have a image link of your playlist so members can click on the playlist pic and play the list directlyfrom the users signature
oh yeah also, wonder if u can allow assigned usergroup to add picture of the artists on music.php front page aswell of delete their own submitted songs. Well i saw that you allowed user to delete artists but not deleting their own songs seems bit odd :/
thanks ^^
also notice a bug with the voting system of comments. When i click thumb down the user get -4 automatically.
not sure this is normal behaviour but when you only have foreign artist the Singer database column will not appear. It will appear only if i add english artist
another sugestion is for the users personal playlist can u have feature to allow user to replay all songs its more easier that way. Wondering if u can have alink on every songs you submit to let user addto playlist because the little small icon it took me hours before i noticed it was meant to do