Ill use an example.
With Battrick, each userr has themselves an assigned Team ID number (which is Part of the link to their Pavillion.
In the Postbit, i would like to be able to have it, so we can click the Team Name, and link (in another window) to their Pavillion.
Its somewhat like this.
h ttp://ww is the link to my Pavillion
4813 is my Team ID (FIELD 1)
St Arnaud CC is my Team Name. (FIELD 2)
Basically, id like it to be set up somewhat like this...
St Arnaud CC
which is
[U RL=""]St Arnaud CC[/URL]
Which Therefore is
[U RL=" 1"]FIELD 2[/URL]
Now, my question, can it be done? If so, how?