Also, a reminder to all:
I do my best to come here and answer support requests, but this mod is not supported. This doesn't mean I don't care about your problems, it just means I'm very busy as a full-time web architect, full-time business management student, and full-time startup business owner.
I use this mod for clients when I do contracting work and, if an issue comes up during an implementation, that's what drives my updates here. To date I've had one person donate towards the development of this mod - and I greatly appreciate that person - but it's a testament to how much I don't make by maintaining this.
I say this not to make you feel sorry for me - but I've noticed some people getting quite irritated if they don't get a *timely* response from me on issues (both in thread and via PM). I never promised to answer your questions but I do my best to provide support as time permits. Those I've had the time to personally help with their instances can probably tell you that as long as I have time, I don't mind helping.