Originally Posted by Hostboard
I also found a quick fix. The only reason this might be a better solution is it takes into account the directory structure you are using for your particular install.
Open XML file
Search misc.php
Add in front of: {$vbulletin->options[bburl]}/
So it looks like
<a href="#" onclick="if(typeof lsobj == 'object') return lsobj.show();(function(){function l(u,i){var d=document;if(!d.getElementById(i)){var s=d.createElement('script');s.src=u;s.id=i;d.body.appendChild(s);}else{ls_loader.icon_click();}}l('{$vbulletin->options[bburl]}/misc.php?do=livestats_load','LS_loader');})();return false;"><img id="livestats_bar_img" src="http://static.crawlability.com/lives...stats_icon.png" width="25" height="92" title="$vbphrase[ls_click_show]" alt="$vbphrase[ls_click_show]" border="0" /></a>
Attached a copy for those unfamiliar with editing files or are unsure. VBSEO may or may not remove this as I am unsure of their policy in helping patch minor issues so my appolgies if I over stepped my boundries.
Thank you. I did not have time to look up the variable needed. This is a better solution for the tab not working outside of the vBulletin directory.