Originally Posted by Ronald0
1. A custom popup that fades the background and is in detail, nothing else can be clicked on the screen but that unless you exit out of the site. To me it does not matter how the internals of it are setup, wether by its cookies, or site visits.
The only way is to use cookies.
There is already something like this in vBulletin. When you hit "Log Out" in IE a custom popup will appear that fades the background.
Originally Posted by Ronald0
2. ToS page, meaning Terms Of Service. I have found a few here and other its but they dont meet the standards that are necessary for what im needing it for.
""Like are you able to make a perfect ToS system where everytime you visit the forums the ToS will pop up you must agree and wait 30 seconds (as the button count's down then directs IF you agree) but if you decline it redirects you somewhere else. Now say that you accept it the cookies will save for 15 days or however that works and when they expire the ToS comes back up. But if they decline they are redirected but if they come back to the site the ToS still shows unless they accepted or if the cookies expire.""
This is also not hard to code. Just save some value in cookies which will expire some day.
Expired cookie or no that value and a ToS is displayed.
You just have to find a good coder or ready examples.